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Monday 23 February 2015

Business Cards

We've all seen those eensy weensy cards with a business' name and contact info chilling on reception desks or being handed out left right and centre by some legit lawyer dude who has like a million of them and keeps them all in a little silver box in the inside pocket of his suit jacket, BUT, these business cards are different. They're different because they're for make-up artists, and that means they're actually interesting and not just a boring white card with some tiny Times New Roman print on it.

Business cards are a really handy way of promoting yourself or your business because you can give them out to people yourself and they have all your contact details on them so people can get in touch with you. They're also cool because they're (supposed to be) individual and specifically designed to represent you/your business, so it's a really good way to make a first impression to any potential clients. Business cards say "I'm a professional" and are much more likely to make people take you seriously.

I searched the vast and ever-helpful internet to find a website which allows you to design and order your own business cards and I came across almost instantly. I knew of it because I'd seen adverts for it on TV and on Facebook (A+ advertising right there) and used it to create a few Business Card designs of my own using their wide range of templates. 
(These are all just cropped screenshots of ones I tried on vistaprint. Obviously, if I was going to use them for real I'd fill everything out duh) 

Design 1: 
I really love the colours in this design but I'd prefer it if instead of "Panache" it had either my name or my company (when/if I have one) in the same text and colours. I like that the text is in the centre and then either side at the bottom because it has a nice contrast and balance which I am ALL ABOUT.
Design 2: 
This design feels really smooth and artsy to me which I really dig because I want my business card to reflect the creative aspect of my make-up. I also really like the colour scheme and how the background isn't actually black, but a super cool dark slate kind of colour because that makes it look extra contrast-y without being too harsh and it feels more professional than if it was in black.
Design 3:
I saw this design and instantly loved it because it looks like a watercolour sunset and it's really striking and beautiful. I'd love to have this as my business card but I don't really think it says "Make-up Artist" so I'm not sure. I think I'd incorporate the colours but make it look like spilled lipgloss or powders.
Design 4:
This design literally pushes you to the ground and screams "MAKE-UP" in your face so it's definitely a contender. I love the layout and how dynamic it is. I'd probably use my own picture of a make-up I've done (probably with some form of green colour in it) and link the colour scheme to it like this one has done with the purple eyeshadow. Also I have no idea what's join on with that lightening bolt in the corner... no relevance.
Design 5:
I really like this one because it's super cute and is also easily recognisable as a Make-up Artist's business card because of the lipstick smears. I'd probably change the colours around a bit because (apart from my hair) I'm not a really pink person and this wouldn't really represent me as an artist.
Design 6: 
This design is really simple, which I like, but the text is all off to the right hand side a bit too much for my liking. I think I'd like it more if it was in the centre, even if the lower text was still in the right hand corner. There's just something about the placement and font of that title that rubs me the wrong way. I really love the texture of the smear in the background but, again, I'd probably want to change the colours.
Design 7: 
This is an example of a business card design that I don't like that much at all. It might be down to the font, or the colours, or just the picture but it looks a little amateur to me in that it's dead dramatic but not in an appealing way?? Idk, maybe it's just me, but I don't like it.

Design 8:
This design is crazy plain and simple because it's actually a template of the back of a card. I chose to add this one to this post because I really like the picture and how it's laid out. I think I'd like to make the main text which has my name on it a lot bigger and maybe in a different font too because that squished square font just bugs me.

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