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Saturday 28 February 2015

My Cover Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised on

I am currently finishing my second year of university studying Media Make-up, and have been learning to use a wide variety of techniques, products and materials. This course involves independant work as well as group assessments, and requires a great deal of creativity, initiative and self-motivation. 

I love working in a team to design and apply creative make-ups and I think I'd be perfect for this job as A&E and casualty FX make-ups are my favourite and I have really enjoyed creating them in the past. I have recently worked with a group of Forensics students and performers from a local Performing Arts Academy to create a car crash scene for an assessment where the students have to collect evidence from the crime scene and analyse their findings to ascertain the victims' cause of death. It was a very enjoyable experience as I got to create a facial prosthetic for a wound caused by a shard of glass becomming embedded in the victim's eye, which I found quite challenging but highly rewarding.

I think I'd be a valuable addition to any make-up team as I am a highly energetic and passionate Make-up Artist, and I pride myself on my attention to detail and realism. I am a very determined individual and I strive to always work to the best of my ability and challenge myself wherever possible. I should be very greatful for the opportunity to work on a short film as it has been something I have been interested in for a long time now. I know I am able to take on the responsibility of this position and have the enthusiasm and skill to ensure that I make a success of it
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application and I look forward to hearing form you in the near future.

Yours Sincerely,
Rebecca Sweeney

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