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Thursday 26 February 2015

Trade Unions and Creative Industry Bodies

Trade Unions and Creative Industry Bodies are groups of workers who join together to support each other in and out of the workplace. They focus on making sure their personal rights and needs are met and that they are treated with equal and fair treatment. They provide workers with individual support, representation and advice, as well as many opportunities to develop themselves personally and professionally through courses or experiences. Every worker has the legal right to join a union if they wish and can not be treated differently for their decision to become a member.
To join a Trade Union, you just talk to the union rep in your workplace and ask about memberships. They can also give you advice about which union will be best for you.

The perks of being part of a Trade Union/CIB include:

  • better sickness and pension benefits
  • more holiday/flexible working hours
  • the opportunity to develop yourself through courses
  • up to a third more pay (if you are young)
  • fair treatment regardless of race/gender/age/sexuality
  • fair treatment of migrant and domestic workers

I researched a few Trade Unions and Creative Industry Bodies specific to Make-up Artists and found the following organisations which offer different benefits:


- Enrichment courses and Learning Projects
- Discounts on film tickets in London
- Legal advice and representation regarding copyright 
- Death benefit
Grants to members in financial difficulty
- Hearing healthcare
- Public liability insurance
- Freelance/Small Business insurance
- Job-finding services
- MAC pro members can get an extra 35% discount on products
- Press passes
- Consultations on tax


- Free product training courses
Use of the APHAMA logo
- Professional make-up courses

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