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Thursday 26 February 2015

Initial logo designs

A logo is a picture (which can include or conist solely of text) which sums up your brand/company or yourself and makes you instantly identifiable. Most companies put their logo on everything; their products, their invoices, their website, etc etc so it's a good idea to take some time and try out a bunch of different designs to make sure you find one you're happy with. 
I find it super hard to sum up who you are as a professional into one little graphic so I started making some simple designs based on my name and my initials.
There are very few things I know I want in my logo and these are:

  • My name or initials (except if I used my initials I'd want to use my full name because otherwise my logo would be a giant 'BS' and to quote Syndrome from the Incredibles "you understand why I couldn't go with that" (yet another perfect quote filed under "things I didn't understand when I watched the movie the first time but that now make me aggressively snort-laugh")
  • My job title (Make-up Artist or MUA, whichever looks nicer)
  • A good, striking colour palette which includes either Green or Orange (or both as long as it doesn't look like sick) because those are the colours I associate most with myself
So these are a few designs I came up with, following that criteria:
 I really like how this one flows and it's very simple yet striking, which I think makes it very effective. However, I have never in my life been called, referred to myself as, or even answered to "R-J" so I don't think it reflects me very well at all. Also, the name I put on all my make-up pages,portfolios and whatnot is "Bex Sweeney" so I think I should really design some things which use that as the name. 
That being said, it is a nice design and can be used in a ton of different ways so I played about with it for a while and created different takes on the same design.

I think this design is much more suitable for me but it's a bit plain. I used different fonts for my name and my job because I thought it made it look more creative that way while still remaining professional. I like how clean and simple this one is but I don't think it's artsy enough for me. I think I'd be okay with it if I only did beauty or theatrical make-up and not the crazy artistic make-up that I love. I think I'd like to incorporate the text into my final logo design but make it a bit messier and more clearly art-based.

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