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Monday 22 June 2015

Advertising (again)

I've already posted a whole bunch of things about advertising so this part of the brief is mostly done, but there's a few things I'm gunna touch on in more detail here :)

Press Release:

A press release is a piece of writing that businesses send to the media (newspapers, journalists, bloggers, news shows, etc) to announce a new feature/product/event. It is usually what newspaper writers use to create a feature story, and a story is much more likely to be considered if the reporter is given a press release first.   

Here's mine for the exhibition 

This is my first time writing a press release so it's isn't the best it could be, but I think it does the job. I found it quite difficult to make everything really concise and snappy so I had to rewrite it a few times and make sure I only included what was needed.

Postcard-sized Flyer

I think having flyers at my exhibition as well as business cards will be really helpful, as I can put more information about who I am and what I do on them, and they'll make it much easier for potential customers to remember me and my work.

 I really like my flyers and I think they reflect my personality and style, as well as showing my work. I added my expanded USP to the back so that potential customers that pick them up can learn a little more about me and the work I create. I think that I should have put my contact information on them, however, but it's definitely on my business cards so I think it will be okay as long as I hand them out together. I like how simple this design is and I think the black and white stripes at the front really add a stylish feel to it. I also like the green on the back as it's my favourite colour but I would have liked it to be a more emerald green like in my logo.


I decided that I want to have invitations to my exhibition that I can send to industry professionals like make-up artists and photographers that I want to work with, so that they are aware of it. Even if they don't come, this means I can sneakily self-promo and they have my details so in the future when I'm crazy rich and famous they'll be like "damn, why didn't I work with her when I had the chance?!" ;)

I made a bunch of different versions of the invitations because I can never decide on anything and tbh I was having far too much fun making them.

 Design 1:

I really like the layout of this design because it means that I can show a lot of my work at the same time and give the best impression of my skills. I also like the back because it's quirky but still stylish, and there's space for my website links which is always a good thing.

Design 2:

 As beautiful as this design is, I don't think it's very me. It's a bit too Gatsby to really reflect me but I just love the way it looks. I think that if I were purely a bridal or haute couture high fashion MUA then this would work but, alas, my passions lie elsewhere and anything this neat could never be an honest representation of me as an artist. 
But it's just so shiny and stunning and  I love it.

 Design 3:

Now this is more my kind of thing.
I think I like this design the most, or at least the back part of it. I love how it looks really artsy and chaotic but in a beautiful way, and I think it really represents the artistic side of media-make-up so it fits really well with my work. I think the colours work really well, even though it's mostly pink, and that's not usually a colour I'm drawn to, but I think it makes the green in my logo stand out more as it contrasts against the background.

I think I'll probably mix and match it and have the front side from the first design and the back of the third design so that I have the best of both worlds; the professional and the artistic.

EOYS invitation:

 I decided to make an invitation for the EOYS as well because I was on a roll and why the hell not? I want as many people to come to my  LAST EVER End of Year Show, after all, and this will be a really effective way to reach out to people in the industry and try to get them to come and see my work in person.

Thank You Cards:

As I'm making invitations, I thought I'd make thank you cards because it's polite and I think it's something that nobody else will have done so it will make me stand out from the crowd. Also, nice manners can never hurt my chances of getting work!
Again, I made two designs because I couldn't choose and I'm far too keyboard-happy to only made one version of anything, even if I don't post them here.

 Design 1:

I chose this design because it matches my flyer and I love a bit of continuity. Also I really dig the green against the grey and white stripes; I think the contrast is perfect. I love how simple the front of this design is and I think that's all I really need to put on the front, otherwise it might start looking too busy. The back is really cute too and I really like how I can put my details in the white bubble like a feature detail. I wrote a little bit thanking everyone for coming to the exhibition and put my details on the back so that people can contact me if they want to hire me after seeing my work. This design doesn't have my logo on it though, because I couldn't put it anywhere without it looking out of place, so it's not perfect and I might need to revisit the designs before I go ahead with them.

Design 2:

 This design is a lot more formal that the first one and I'm not sure how I feel about it. The theme for my exhibition is very creative and reflective of my style so I'm not sure how it would fit in with everything else if I chose this design. I really like the back, however, and it has enough space for my logo, a little bit of writing to thank them for coming to my exhibition, my contact details, and my website links without looking crowded or having to make the writing super tiny.

I think I'm going to mix and match again and have the front side of the first design and the back of the second, because I think they'll still look connected through the black and grey, and the green in my logo.

Budgeting is crazy important when it comes to advertising, because you don't want to spend too much on getting people to see your work and then not having enough to actually do any work. 

The prices for my flyers, cards and business cards are as follows:

Flyer x50 = £14.61
Invites x100 (50 for exhibition & 50 for EOYS)= £29.22
Thank you cards x50= £14.61
Business cards x500= £44.38

Total= £105.82

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