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Monday 15 June 2015

SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis (stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is something businesses use to analyse themselves and identify any problem areas which could affect them or the growth of their business. It is also used to identify the positive areas and the things that they could do to expand or improve their business. 

As I am analysing myself as a Make-up Artist and not a business, I've had to change the questions posed by the four categories a bit to make them apply to me, but the basic gist is still there.

  • What am I good at?
  • What can I do better than other MUAs?
  • What do I have to offer that others MUAs don't?
  • What valuable qualities do I have?

  • What am I not good at?
  • What can other MUAs do better than me?
  • What do other MUAs have to offer that I don't?

  • What opportunities are there for me as a MUA?
  • How could I make myself/my skills better?
  • What could I do to improve myself as a MUA?

  • What is/could be a threat to me as a MUA?
  • How could I/my skills be threatened or challenged?
  • What obstacles could affect me negatively as a MUA?


This is an example of a SWOT analysis that I found for a coffee company. I really liked it so I thought I'd use it to help me write my own as it is very professional  and well-organised. I'm always partial to a spot of colour and I think it works pretty well in this example because it makes it look a lot clearer and more interesting, without taking the attention away from the analysis itself, which is the most important part.

My SWOT analysis 
Tadaa! My beautifully colour co-ordinated SWOT analysis :) I'm always rubbish at assessing myself so writing the strengths and weaknesses was a bit cringy but I think I managed to include all the relevant ones and make it fairly professional. The opportunities and threats were a bit trickier but I looked at a whole bunch of different templates and examples and they helped me to understand what would be considered an opportunity or a threat to me as a Make-up Artist.

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