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Tuesday 23 June 2015


I sketched out a few ideas as to what my final exhibition board would look like and as I don't know how to work a scanner, you're gunna have to deal with my shitty iPhone camera photos, and for that I am so very sorry.

My initial designs:

 And my final design for my Exhibition/Static show
Drumroll please...


Along with pictures of my work, the things I chose to display are:
- (Left mannequin) The Mad Hatter button jacket that I made for my last EOYS
- (Right mannequin) The English Country Garden inspired corset and skirt I made for my summer research project, with the jewelled epaulettes and backpiece from my Tim Burton Magpie Jeweller on the back of it
- (On display heads at the back of the table) My Tim Burton Magpie Jeweller, Medieval Fantasy Film inspired Titania, and my hand-knotted human hair wigs
- (On lifecasts either side of the Titania wig) My Tim Burton Magpie Jeweller and Sci-Fi Alien prosthetics
- (On either side of the lifecasts) My silicone Titania (left) and latex Sci-Fi Alien (right) prosthetic ears
- (On the centre of the front of the table) My portfolio, showing images of my work
- (Either side of my portfolio) A fan display of my business cards
- (Either side of my business cards) A stack of my flyers

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