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Friday 19 June 2015

Shows and Exhibitions

The main point of this assessment brief is to make a detailed plan for my End of Year Show or my Exhibition, so I've chosen to focus on my Exhibition because I've already had 3 End of Year Shows so I'm basically an EOYS pro at this point but this will be the first Static Show I've ever done.  

So first of all, what's the difference between a Show and an Exhibition/Static Show?

While both exhibitions and shows are used to present your work to a specific audience and gain exposure and contacts, they achieve this in different ways. They are held in museums/galleries, fashion venues, runways, exhibition halls, faires and industry specific conventions such as the IMATS or UMAE, and are very important ways to get your name out into the industry.

A show is a live performance or catwalk where the audience can see your work come alive in front of them through the use of a model/dancer/actor/performer. There are countless effects you can create with lighting and music while your work is being showcased and it is always a very dramatic way to captivate an audience and show off all the things you've created. However, a drawback to showcasing your work at a show is that the audience can only see it in front of them and not interact with it like they would be able to at an exhibition.

An exhibition, or static show, is a display of your work that people can view up close and appreciate all the details a lot more than if they were seeing it at a show. There are many ways to organise your space at a static show, which lends to a lot of different creative set ups and interesting ways to present your work effectively. It is very important to consider the way you will set up your exhibition, because this will help to attract people to your work and make it stand out and leave a lasting impression. A static show is a perfect opportunity to network and make industry connections because people will be able to pick up your business cards/leaflets/etc at their leisure and talk to you about your work while it is right in front of them.

What makes a good show/exhibition?

A good show/exhibition presents your work in a captivating and dramatic way which is unique to you as a make-up artist. As the aim is to get work from showing your skills and projects you have worked on in the past, a successful show/exhibition will allow you to create links and contacts with potential customers and gain experience working within the industry.

I think that, because my exhibition will be make-up based, I should make sure that it is as unique and creative as possible and that it really reflects who I am as a MUA and what strengths are. I think that, as well as large, high-quality pictures of my work, I should include several of the wigs, props and prosthetics I've made (especially as I want to specialise in wigmaking and prosthetic make-up), and one or two of my favourite costumes that I have made over the past 4 years. Also, I think I should have a display of my portfolio and perhaps an assessment journal to show my processes.

What do I hope to get out of mine?

If all goes well, I hope that my exhibition allows me to network and give out my details to as many potential customers as possible, so that I have a very good chance of getting hired for make-up jobs. I will have my business cards out amongst my work so that people can take them and have a way of contacting me if they wish, but I will also include links to my facebook page and online portfolio so that they can see more of my work.

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